1. Definitions


means an online account made available to a Customer by JUST Doctor to enable the Customer to manage among other things its and access other digital services provided by JUST Doctor ( APP, Websites and Services ).


means, in relation to any person, a damage, loss, cost, fine, penalty, expense or liability incurred by the person or a claim, action, proceeding or demand made against the person, however arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual, or contingent.


means any information or material of any kind published or made available to JUST Doctor by the Customer in connection with the Services or the Platform (including material provided by a Customer to JUST Doctor.

2. JUST Doctor key obligations

JUST Doctor must:

  1. Provide the Services in accordance with this Agreement
  2. Provide the Services in a competent and diligent manner

collect, store, and disclose all personal information received by JUST Doctor from the Customer in accordance with the JUST Doctor Privacy Policy.

3. Customer key obligations

The Customer must:

  1. Use the services solely in accordance with this Agreement
  2. Ensure that any data and content provided via the Platform is accurate and up to date and remains accurate and up to date and it will indemnify JUST Doctor for any claim resulting from outdated or inaccurate content.
  3. Ensure that no children under the age of 16 use the Platform without the consent of their guardian and between the ages of 18 and 16 without the adult cardholder consent
  4. Ensure anyone who uses the Platform abides by these terms and the Customer remains liable for the any activity on the account
  5. Maintain as confidential and keep secure any passwords or other security credentials relating to the Services
  6. Notify JUST Doctor of any security breaches to their account
  7. Comply with all applicable laws in relation to its use of the Services
  8. Do not use the Services to :
    1. Post, publish or transmit any Content which violates or infringes in any way upon the rights of others, which is unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, or racially or ethnically or otherwise objectionable
    2. Encourage conduct that is criminal, would give rise to civil liability or would otherwise violate any law
    3. Harm children in any way
    4. Impersonate a person or entity or falsely state their affiliation with a person or entity
    5. Upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes the rights of another party including but not limited to trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property rights
    6. Transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

4. The Services

JUST Doctor may make such changes to the Services set out below and the Platform from time to time as JUST Doctor considers appropriate in its sole discretion. Please note that any arrangement, booking or contract for the provision of medical advice, assistance, diagnosis, treatment, or procedure listed on the Website is made directly between you and the Practitioner, JUST Doctor is not a party to such arrangement, booking or contract.

Our Services

Communication services (Online and Video Consultations)

  1. We provide audio and video consultations solutions to health and care professionals and Organisations. You can talk, chat, message to health and care professionals involved in your care (GPs, Hospital Professionals, Community Practitioners, Pharmacists, Dentist and Other health and Care Professionals).
  2. These professionals may provide advice, treatment, diagnosis, monitor your health condition and they may refer you to another health professional.

Digital Health Diary

  1. Our digital health diary is only for information only and it is not a replacement for a fully qualified Medical professional. The diary should never be used to manage or to diagnose your medical condition. Our Digital health diary allows you to add data such as (Blood Pressure, Temperature, Pulse, Respiratory rate, Saturations, BMI, Height, Weight and Mood Changes)
  2. Our Health Diary also allows you to enter symptoms and monitor its severity.


  1. Our Triage solution is to assist your Health and Care professional about your request. The aim of triage is to sign post you to get appropriate help and care and to prioritise your request. The questions and replies are sent to your health and care professional and JUST Doctor triage solution do not diagnose or provide treatments for any condition. The triage solution should never be used for a replacement for a fully qualified medical professional.

Digital Private Practice

  1. JUST Doctor may have own health and care professionals of multiple specialities to offer a digital health care practice and it would be like our clinical services solution.

Accessing our Services

  1. NHS services are accessible using JUST Doctor APP and Web Application
  2. Private services are available as a pay and go service to the health and care professional using our platform.
  3. Through our third-party organisations we have integrated (Insurance providers and Hospitals)

What our Services Can and Cannot do?

  1. Our digital healthcare services are for information only. They are not designed to diagnose you or provide you with medical advice or treatment. They should never be used as a replacement for a qualified medical professional.
  2. They are there to give you information relating to your health and to let you know about general causes, risks, and possible next steps. They are not designed to be used instead of a healthcare professional.
  3. Do not use any of these digital healthcare services in an emergency. Instead, call 999 or the emergency services immediately.
  4. You should always talk to a qualified healthcare professional if you have questions about your health or a medical condition and before you make any decisions about your health.

Our Clinical Services

NHS Services

  1. JUST Doctor only provides a health care communication platform to NHS and we do not have any control or regulations about the Health and Care practitioner providing the service to you. The chat messages and file transfers are not verified and approved by us. The views expressed are not our views or values.

Private Services

  1. We provide healthcare practice management solution to private health and care practitioners. These practitioners are approved to provide services in UK and have a licence to practice. They are committed to clinical best practice and adhere to highest standards.
  2. They may have difference of opinion and provide various services to you. They are independent practitioners using our online platform. The chat messages and file transfers are not verified and approved by us. The views expressed are not our views or values.
  3. We do not record all consultations and we record only with your consent.
  4. Private services are not a replacement to NHS services. You should inform or talk to your GP about the private services you have used. Private services are not a replacement for an Emergency service, and you should contact 999.

5. Children and Young People

  1. Children and young people under 18 cannot register with JUST Doctor. You can open an account only with their parent or legal guardian.
  2. Under the age of 18 parents or legal guardian could open a child account and manage them within their own adult accounts.


  1. Using proxy to communicate with your health care professional is possible.
  2. We do not hold any responsibility for sending wrong information to proxy.
  3. We only provide a solution to send a message.

6. Prescriptions

NHS Services – We provide online and video consultation services to NHS and we do not have control over prescriptions, and they are issued by your health care professional.

Private Service

  1. Prescriptions are issued by each Practitioner, at their sole discretion. The Platform assists them to create based on their own professional judgement and legal obligations. You understand and accept that that the content of such items is individual, based on information you provide to the Practitioner and your health at the time of your consultation.
  2. If you lose a prescription, a copy of the relevant document may be issued, subject to the prescribing Practitioner and the practice agreeing to re-issue the document. You understand and accept that there is no guarantee that a Practitioner will agree to re-issue any document. If the Practitioner re-issues your lost prescription, you understand and accept you may be charged in accordance with the policy of the practitioner.
  3. If you choose to have your prescription sent to a pharmacy that is near to your location, we will make reasonable efforts to contact that pharmacy and have the prescription sent to the chosen pharmacy within an 1-2 hours.
  4. We will use reasonable efforts to deliver the prescription to your device or to a nearby pharmacy promptly, but we are not connected with and have no control over or responsibility for any individual pharmacy, their policies in relation to acceptance or otherwise of prescriptions, opening hours, cost or availability of medicines prescribed.
  5. We have no control over the pharmacy issuing you the medications and we only provide the Platform for the pharmacy to accept the prescription electronically and to dispense it.
  6. Most of the Practitioners do not provide prescriptions for controlled drugs (as defined by the misuse of drugs act 1971). It is up to the specialist practitioners to issue controlled drugs, who has a licence to issue from local authority with a controlled drug prescriber number.
  7. JUST Doctor and the Practitioners are not responsible for any legal prescriptions provided to you that legal UK Pharmacies refuse to dispense. You accept that it remains an individual Pharmacist's right to refuse to fulfil any prescription and/or dispense medications when presented with a legal prescription.
  8. Prescriptions provided will be private prescriptions unless otherwise stated during consultation by the Practitioner. A private prescription will incur the cost of the medicine(s) prescribed. This price is set by the pharmacy and is independent of any charges set by JUST Doctor. The patient is under no obligation to purchase their medicine from any pharmacy.

7. Letters and Sicknotes

NHS Services – We provide online and video consultation solution to NHS and we do not issue letters and sicknotes. They are issued by your health and care professional.

Private Service

  1. Letters and sicknotes are issued by each Practitioner, at their sole discretion. The Platform assists them to create based on their own professional judgement and legal obligations. You understand and accept that that the content of such items is individual, based on information you provide to the Practitioner and your health at the time of your consultation.
  2. If you lose the letter or sicknote, a copy of the relevant document may be issued, subject to the prescribing Practitioner and the practice agreeing to re-issue the document. You understand and accept that there is no guarantee that a Practitioner will agree to re-issue any document. If the Practitioner re-issues your lost letter or sicknote you understand and accept, you may be charged in accordance with the policy of the practitioner.

8. Lab and Testing Services

  1. NHS lab tests are offered by your NHS practitioner and Labs.
  2. Our Private lab testing services are offered through our partner services with your consent. Private tests are chargeable, and you allow us to publish the results in your APP.
  3. We do not offer any refunds or returns on tests.

9. Intellectual Property

  1. All intellectual property rights in the Services, and in all JUST Doctor know how, software, materials and methodologies used in providing or incorporated into the Services, the Appointment Plugin, or the Platform (collectively the "IPR") remain vested in JUST Doctor, and the Customer has no rights in relation to that IPR.
  2. The Customer must use the Services solely for the purposes set out in this Agreement and not make any commercial use of the Services, including by reselling the Services to any party.
  3. The Customer must not to copy, alter, modify, reproduce, reverse-engineer, derive or develop the Services, any software used by JUST Doctor to provide the Services or any IPR or any part of them or attempt to do any of those things.
  4. The Customer must not use any JUST Doctor logo or trademark (other than as specifically authorised under this Agreement and in materials specifically approved by JUST Doctor) without the prior written consent of JUST Doctor.
  5. The Customer grants JUST Doctor a licence to use, reproduce, publish, modify, translate, adapt, and otherwise exploit the Content for the purpose of providing the Services. The Customer agrees that JUST Doctor may place any Content on any third-party Platforms or infrastructure or supply to third parties any Content to offer the Services through a different Platform or through a partner organisation.

10. Warranties

  1. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that JUST Doctor is not a healthcare provider and is not liable in any respect for the care of a Customer.
  2. The Customer indemnifies JUST Doctor against all Claims arising from or related to any treatment received (or which was failed to be received) by the Customer or arising from or related to the Customer's wrongful use of the Services or arising from or related to a breach of applicable privacy laws.
  3. We make no warranty that the Platform or the Services will meet your requirements or that the Services will be uninterrupted, 100% secure or error-free, or that defects, if any, will be corrected. We are not responsible for transmission errors or any corruption or compromise of data carried over local or interchange telecommunication carriers.
  4. We will take all reasonable precautions to protect against failure of our equipment and software and will perform regular back-ups of all data stored. You acknowledge and accept that in the event restoration of data from backup is necessary, it may take several days to complete such restoration of data and resume operation of the Platform and/or the Services, in which circumstances any booked Appointments shall be deemed a Disrupted Appointment. Our backup and restoration plan and SLAs are available on request.
  5. We do not guarantee that the Platform will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for configuring your Devices to access the Platform. You should use your own virus protection software.


We do not endorse the promotions, products, or services of any third parties, nor do we warrant or validate the accuracy of any third-party advertisements, promotions, communications, or other materials. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of information contained on any third-party web sites

11. Privacy Policy and Platform use

  1. The Customer agrees that JUST Doctor has made them aware of JUST Doctor's practices and policies related to the collection, use and storage of personal and health data, which is electronic, further detail of which can be found in JUST Doctor's Privacy Policy. The Customer consents to the use, in accordance with JUST Doctor's Privacy Policy, of any personal information provided to JUST Doctor.
  2. The use of the Platform by the Customer is subject to the terms and conditions that apply to the use of and access to the Platform, and the Customer agrees to comply with and be bound by those terms and conditions.
  3. JUST Doctor is merely a platform for the storage of the electronic health records and does not have any control over when to store, delete or transfer this data which will be decided by the professional.
  4. We are not responsible for viruses and you must not introduce them. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access our site. You should use your own virus protection software.
  5. You must not misuse our site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our site, the server on which our site is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to our site. You must not attack our site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our site will cease immediately.

12. Force Majeure

  1. A party to this Agreement is not liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations pursuant to the Agreement if such delay is due to Force Majeure. In this Agreement, "Force Majeure" means a circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing party.
  2. If any delay or failure of a party to perform its obligations is caused by Force Majeure, the performance of that party's obligations will be suspended for the period of the delay.

13. General

  1. Nothing in these terms and conditions is to be construed as creating a partnership between JUST Doctor and the Customer nor to constitute either party as the agent of the other.
  2. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  3. JUST Doctor may, at any time, amend the Customer Agreement, including, but not limited to, adding, or amending any fees and charges for the Services (Variation of Terms). JUST Doctor will provide the Customer with at least 30 days’ notice of any Variation of Terms. A Variation of Terms takes effect on the date set out in the notice given by JUST Doctor. If the Customer does not wish to continue to receive the Services after the Variation of Terms, then it may terminate this Agreement. The Customer’s continued use of the Services or the Platform after the effective date of the Variation of Terms shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by the member of such amendments. Any rights or liabilities arises prior to the effective date of any amendment to this Agreement will be unaffected by the Variation of Terms.

14. Other

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency regulates our medical devices

  1. Medical Case Management software
  2. Digital Health Diary
  3. Symptom diary

Our services follow UK laws and regulations. Some countries have different laws and regulations for healthcare services.

If you are outside the UK, you should check if it is legal to use our services in your location.

15. How to make a Complaint

If you are not satisfied with our service, contact us to discuss the problem

We reply as per our complaints policy